13 August, 2010

Chapter 1-5

Arkham Asylum
Psychiatric Ward
Patient #1426

Interview #1 (conversational)


P: WOOOOOOHO!! 1st night at the club house!! HAHA!

D: hello there, I'm Dr. Malcolm. If you don't mind, I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself.

P: ... Sure thing, fire!

D: Ok, name?

P: Winston, sir. Winston Abraham Frost .... The 1st .. I just added "the 1st" 2 seconds ago, do you like it?! Or is it a bit tacky?

D: Its fine, age?

P: 21 and 3 quarters.. Haha!

D: Are you always this hilarious, Mr. Frost?

P: No, not really. The trick is, and I hope you try this, piss off the guard outside, the one with the needles!

D: Heh, those medications are for your own safety, they're supposed to calm you down.

P: Well, I don't feel so calm.. Maybe he gave me the wrong syringe! Can I go ask?!

D: I.. I don't advise that, they're very brutal in here. Anyway, where were we? Hmmmm.. Name.. Age.. Oh, right, what brings you here Mr. Frost?

P: Slaughter.. I pleaded "insane".. They believed me. HAH!

D: ..And may I ask who were the victims?

P: Victim, singular.. Mahhone.

D: But you said slau..

P: THEY .. weren't victims, they deserved it.

D: ..And who were "they"?

P: The people at the police station. God, didn't anybody tell you this? You don't know why I'm here?!
"Man massacres 19 policemen with a single machete"? No? And here I was thinking this was my best work ever.. THIS TAKE A LOTTA BALLS, U KNOW THAT?!

D: Umm.. Uhm.. And what.. What did the people at the police station do to deserve such a harsh act?

P: I swear to god, nobody appreciates the amount of effort I put into this..

D: ..Mr. Frost?

P: What? Oh! They killed Mahonne.

D: And Mahonne is?

P: My girl..

D: You have a daughter?

P: What?! NO!! My girl, my woman.. God, I miss her.

D: So you killed 19 policemen for revenge?

P: No, uh-uh.. I was.. I was trying to find closure, I guess.

D: 19 souls for closure?!

P: Found it at around 15, the rest were a "just in case" kinda thing.

D: With a machete?!

P: Well, sometimes I like to go old school, you know what I mean?

D: My GOD! You play with human souls as if it was a game!!

P: Yeah, its an art, I know.

D: You're a MONSTER!!

P: Again with the "not apreciating!"

D: Guards! Take him to his cell!! IMMEDIATELY!!

P: Well, nice chatting with ya, doc. Oh, aaaand they're dragging me! Let's do this again some time, maybe over tea.. BYEEEEEEeee...


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