12 August, 2010

Chapter 1-2

Arkham Asylum
Psychiatric Ward
Patient #1426

Interview #3


"........................I was just an amateur back then, but I saw something in his eyes. He wasn't crazy, but he knew I was. Once I had a grin on my face, his went yellow .. Hah!
So he starts talking smack, tryin'a make me flinch. But due to the fist mark on my face, his attempts failed. Something inside me was driving me mad! It was this rush of hate, pain, rage, POWER! What do you call it? Adrenalin?! Well, I felt like bull on fuckin ecstasy!!
I saw him making a fist, but his eyes didn't have confidence, he was swimming in cocktail of doubt and fear. I told him I wouldn't do that if I was him.. But he didn't listen..
Man, u know, some people just can't take good advice!
He had the strength, but he didn't have the speed. Kinda like like a pussy.. HAH! You get it doc?! Yeah, by the looks of you, I bet you don't.

So he throws this really slow punch.. I duck.
At that moment, I took a glimpse of his eyes.
He was praying on the inside for mercy and salvation, but I guess it was a little late for that. I could see his soul trying to crawl out, but it wasn't ready to be taken.
I took out a switch blade and stuck it in the side of his rib cage. I did not kill him. I did't put it between his ribs, I stabbed one of them! I didn't aim for his lunge, I aimed for marrow! I wanted him to know what pain is! His screams where like a symphony playing in my ears!

Pom pom pom LAAAA LA LAAA LA LAAA.. Para pap pap.. It was magnificent!
So I started kicking him out of the bar, payed for damages from his pocket, and got him to a dark alley. No lights but the big white circle in the sky. Heavy rain just made it better and better. It was like MAGIC! But the show had to end.
After I got the info I wanted out of him by just flicking the knife in his chest, I gave him mercy. I gave him salvation. I put him down .. Like a sick dog!

Turned out he was a hitman workin for the guy frank and I were after. Apparently, he just wasted frank, and he was coming to waste me..eheheheheheh CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! HE WAS COMING ... TO WASTE ME!!!


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