13 August, 2010

Chapter 1-5

Arkham Asylum
Psychiatric Ward
Patient #1426

Interview #1 (conversational)


P: WOOOOOOHO!! 1st night at the club house!! HAHA!

D: hello there, I'm Dr. Malcolm. If you don't mind, I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself.

P: ... Sure thing, fire!

D: Ok, name?

P: Winston, sir. Winston Abraham Frost .... The 1st .. I just added "the 1st" 2 seconds ago, do you like it?! Or is it a bit tacky?

D: Its fine, age?

P: 21 and 3 quarters.. Haha!

D: Are you always this hilarious, Mr. Frost?

P: No, not really. The trick is, and I hope you try this, piss off the guard outside, the one with the needles!

D: Heh, those medications are for your own safety, they're supposed to calm you down.

P: Well, I don't feel so calm.. Maybe he gave me the wrong syringe! Can I go ask?!

D: I.. I don't advise that, they're very brutal in here. Anyway, where were we? Hmmmm.. Name.. Age.. Oh, right, what brings you here Mr. Frost?

P: Slaughter.. I pleaded "insane".. They believed me. HAH!

D: ..And may I ask who were the victims?

P: Victim, singular.. Mahhone.

D: But you said slau..

P: THEY .. weren't victims, they deserved it.

D: ..And who were "they"?

P: The people at the police station. God, didn't anybody tell you this? You don't know why I'm here?!
"Man massacres 19 policemen with a single machete"? No? And here I was thinking this was my best work ever.. THIS TAKE A LOTTA BALLS, U KNOW THAT?!

D: Umm.. Uhm.. And what.. What did the people at the police station do to deserve such a harsh act?

P: I swear to god, nobody appreciates the amount of effort I put into this..

D: ..Mr. Frost?

P: What? Oh! They killed Mahonne.

D: And Mahonne is?

P: My girl..

D: You have a daughter?

P: What?! NO!! My girl, my woman.. God, I miss her.

D: So you killed 19 policemen for revenge?

P: No, uh-uh.. I was.. I was trying to find closure, I guess.

D: 19 souls for closure?!

P: Found it at around 15, the rest were a "just in case" kinda thing.

D: With a machete?!

P: Well, sometimes I like to go old school, you know what I mean?

D: My GOD! You play with human souls as if it was a game!!

P: Yeah, its an art, I know.

D: You're a MONSTER!!

P: Again with the "not apreciating!"

D: Guards! Take him to his cell!! IMMEDIATELY!!

P: Well, nice chatting with ya, doc. Oh, aaaand they're dragging me! Let's do this again some time, maybe over tea.. BYEEEEEEeee...


12 August, 2010

Chapter 1-4

Arkham Asylum
Psychiatric Ward
Patient #1426

Interview #5

"Have you ever killed a man, doc? Have you ever dangled a spirit between this life and the other? Have you ever felt the chains of a man's release in the palm of your hand?! And just let go?!

This is getting very serious..
I mean..
May I..
Would you..
Would you mind if I light a cigarette?!

Thanks, doc. Seems like these bad boys are addictive.. Hah!
You know what the irony is? You light up a tobacco tree, and you're wanted for arson and placed in GEN POP .. You light up a cigarette, and they just ask if you got another one to spare, HAHAHAHA...
Oh sorry, inside joke .. See, if you were Mahhone, you would've got that. Instead, she's dead and I'm stuck here with you..


Sorry if I seem off today, doc.
I got some news today .. My brother just had a baby boy.
But he didn't care enough about me to visit, himself. His "butler" came in on his free time.

They named him Bruce.............


Chapter 1-3

Arkham Asylum
Psychiatric Ward
Patient #1426

Interview #10

"Hey doc, how u doin? How's life outa this hell hole?

I hope you don't mind, doc, but today I'd like to read you a poem I wrote. I was hoping since you're such a fancy pants doctor, and I mean that in a really really good way .. REALLY, you might give me some feedback.

Ehm ehm..

Sticks, stones and shattered red bones..
Followed by celebration and moans..
On my back, whatever I owned..
How come it's all gone?!
Souls have prayed, clouds have bled..
The grass is brown, the skies are red..
And all that lives is cut to shreds..
How come it's all gone?!
And now I sleep inside my cell..
Awaiting the calling of the church's bell..
I do not pray, I only yell..
"How come it's all gone?!"
Everyone around me is facially glad..
But under the moonlight shows all that is mad..
What else to do but look back at what I had..
How come it's all gone?!
I dream of bats and dragonflies..
I dream of blood down children's eyes..
I dream and DREAM!! BUT NO ONE DIES!!!
How come?!
How come it's all gone?!


Doctor's remarks: at the end, I didn't know if the patient was crying, or laughing hysterically.

Chapter 1-2

Arkham Asylum
Psychiatric Ward
Patient #1426

Interview #3


"........................I was just an amateur back then, but I saw something in his eyes. He wasn't crazy, but he knew I was. Once I had a grin on my face, his went yellow .. Hah!
So he starts talking smack, tryin'a make me flinch. But due to the fist mark on my face, his attempts failed. Something inside me was driving me mad! It was this rush of hate, pain, rage, POWER! What do you call it? Adrenalin?! Well, I felt like bull on fuckin ecstasy!!
I saw him making a fist, but his eyes didn't have confidence, he was swimming in cocktail of doubt and fear. I told him I wouldn't do that if I was him.. But he didn't listen..
Man, u know, some people just can't take good advice!
He had the strength, but he didn't have the speed. Kinda like like a pussy.. HAH! You get it doc?! Yeah, by the looks of you, I bet you don't.

So he throws this really slow punch.. I duck.
At that moment, I took a glimpse of his eyes.
He was praying on the inside for mercy and salvation, but I guess it was a little late for that. I could see his soul trying to crawl out, but it wasn't ready to be taken.
I took out a switch blade and stuck it in the side of his rib cage. I did not kill him. I did't put it between his ribs, I stabbed one of them! I didn't aim for his lunge, I aimed for marrow! I wanted him to know what pain is! His screams where like a symphony playing in my ears!

Pom pom pom LAAAA LA LAAA LA LAAA.. Para pap pap.. It was magnificent!
So I started kicking him out of the bar, payed for damages from his pocket, and got him to a dark alley. No lights but the big white circle in the sky. Heavy rain just made it better and better. It was like MAGIC! But the show had to end.
After I got the info I wanted out of him by just flicking the knife in his chest, I gave him mercy. I gave him salvation. I put him down .. Like a sick dog!

Turned out he was a hitman workin for the guy frank and I were after. Apparently, he just wasted frank, and he was coming to waste me..eheheheheheh CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! HE WAS COMING ... TO WASTE ME!!!


Chapter 1-1

Arkham Asylum
Psychiatric Ward
Patient #1426

Interview #3

"..don't gimme that look.
I mean, even preachers sin, DON'T THEY?!

Good God, doc, relax. You know, you need to power down every once and a while and just .. Chillll!
Lemme tell you another story, but not as bloody as the last one.

1963, I was doin a job with a guy I just met. So there I was, waiting for him in a bar right across the gig location. In the moment of silence when the jukebox was switching discs, the creaks of the door screamed fear! Everyone simply stopped, all they did was look at the door. Suddenly, this guitar riff starts playing on the box, but the guy didn't come in yet. You can see an outline of a man, but the shadows played on his side. And every second or 2, a car would pass by, and the headlights would give you a glimpse of this beast, but not enough to get a clear picture. When he walked, the ground shook. 6' 6" tall, body ripped like a fuckin ape, bald, jaw wider than my fist, sandbags for bicepts, black as hell, mean lookin guy. I mean MEAN .. looking guy! You can scare dogs off steak with a picture of his face!


Brrrrrrr... HAH!

So anyway, this fucker starts walking towards me. By now, I'm flickin the safety on my gun. He walks up to me, and I can feel him staring at me. He clears his throat and says 'are you Frank's partner?'..
So I stand up and say 'yes, and you are?!'..
Then out of the blue, the guy throws me a punch! Isn't that just rude?! He didn't even answer my question!
So I get up, look him straight in the eye, and say 'ooooooh boy, let me remind you why you once feared the dark!' ..............................................................."