08 January, 2011

Chapter 1-7

Arkham Asylum
Psychiatric Ward
Patient #1426

Interview #534


Patient: Dr. Malcom? You here?

Doctor: Mr. West! Come in, take a seat. Drink?

P: The usual, please.

D: Cigar? Monte Cresto, just opened the box.

P: Yeah, sure, doc. So how are ya?

D: Good, but I'd be great once business is done.

P: Alright, here's your cut.

D: Great! How's busniness going so far?

P: Better than ever, we're happy, the guards are happy, and I can tell from your face that you're happy!

D: Speaking of happy, sorry I missed your birthday last night. How did it go?

P: Ahh, don't get me started. Dent got what I think was a half-rum-cake-half-dog-shit, and Joker was in charge of the candles. I kneeled over to make a wish and 43 candles blew up in my face! But at least that took care of the cake..

D: AAAHAHAHAHA! You never know what he'll do next! Word of advice, never let him follow you into the toilet..

P: What?

D: What?

P: What?

D: ..

P: .. Pleasure doing business with you, doc. See ya next time.

D: As always, goodbye. And don't forget my next cut!




Harvey Dent: "Are these all the tapes you wanted?"

Winston West: "Yeah, that's it. Let's get out of here."

Harvey Dent: "I'll tell them it's time."

..........(To Be Continued)

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