26 February, 2011

Chapter 2-1

I lived most of my life in Arkham. It was a good life, a simple life. Every day, I'd wake up at dawn as the light enters through an iron barred window, have my 3 meals of the day, and go back to sleep as the moon shines through that same window.

I kept quite, invisible, safe. The name "Winston Wayne" no longer existed. My father made sure of that, and I did my best with every means possible. Every document burned, every man knowing sworn to secrecy, and every other man kept in the dark, there was no trace of me in that family tree. I am no longer the seed of that scum, but that scum is my target, his name, his seed, and his legacy. I am Winston West, and I shall have my revenge.

The word got in that someone was cleaning Gotham's streets from criminals. A frightening mutant with wings and horns they said, they called him Batman. New inmates where pouring in like heavy rain. The picture got clear that he was just a man with a cape, but in Arkham, every nutcase has his canvas, and each one drew him differently.

I've always liked bats. I remember when my brother and I were kids, there was this cave close to the mansion, we'd dare each other who can go in deeper. We'd tip-toe into the darkness slowly, but once the bats start flapping, we'd run back faster than the speed of light. I was always 1 step ahead of him. I always won.

08 January, 2011

Chapter 1-7

Arkham Asylum
Psychiatric Ward
Patient #1426

Interview #534


Patient: Dr. Malcom? You here?

Doctor: Mr. West! Come in, take a seat. Drink?

P: The usual, please.

D: Cigar? Monte Cresto, just opened the box.

P: Yeah, sure, doc. So how are ya?

D: Good, but I'd be great once business is done.

P: Alright, here's your cut.

D: Great! How's busniness going so far?

P: Better than ever, we're happy, the guards are happy, and I can tell from your face that you're happy!

D: Speaking of happy, sorry I missed your birthday last night. How did it go?

P: Ahh, don't get me started. Dent got what I think was a half-rum-cake-half-dog-shit, and Joker was in charge of the candles. I kneeled over to make a wish and 43 candles blew up in my face! But at least that took care of the cake..

D: AAAHAHAHAHA! You never know what he'll do next! Word of advice, never let him follow you into the toilet..

P: What?

D: What?

P: What?

D: ..

P: .. Pleasure doing business with you, doc. See ya next time.

D: As always, goodbye. And don't forget my next cut!




Harvey Dent: "Are these all the tapes you wanted?"

Winston West: "Yeah, that's it. Let's get out of here."

Harvey Dent: "I'll tell them it's time."

..........(To Be Continued)

07 January, 2011

Chapter 1-6

Arkham Asylum
Psychiatric Ward
Patient #1426

Interview #2


P: Hello, Dr. Malcom.


P: I said .. Hello, Dr. Malcom!

D: Hello, Mr. Frost. Its been a week since your 1st interview, do you still stand by what you said?

P: Well, I was a little tipsy on this lounge's finest horse tranquilizers, but I believe that everything I said was from the heart.

D: Well, that's 3 minutes gone, 27 to go..

P: Do I bore you, doctor?

D: Well, as you said earlier, you plead insane to avoid murder charges, and none of the tests on your insanity came back positive, which makes me believe you don't need this interview. And I REFUSE to sit here for 30 minutes questioning a monster like you!
Unfortunately, we are not allowed to refuse check-ups on patients.

P: Ok.. Well, since everyone I've been talking to down there is an ape who cannot keep up with a conversation for more than 10 minutes because he always gets distracted by the thousand spiders crawling up his asshole, I think I'm entitled to 1 sane face every now and then. So, since you don't want to ask questions and can't refuse the unrefusable, how about you shut the fuck up, and I'll do the talking for 30 minutes!
Do we have a deal? Or do you have a problem with the COMPLETELY SANE MONSTER you're stuck with for the rest of his stay?!

D: .......

P: Music to my ears!!


*lights up cigarette*

..Quite the carnival you've got down there!! Best damn freak show in the universe!!
